Module Three - Research methods


Monday 6th February


 I have been slacking on the blogs especially in the last module, but hoping to be on it more this module... 

In this zoom session we discussed the different types of research methods. As a starter topic we broke down into study/breakout rooms and discussed what research methods we knew and what were our favourites and most terrifying methods. Already I was doubting myself when Sam first even mentioned what is  research method? What is classed as a research method? Why am I already questioning my own ability?

The research method that really resonated with me was hermeneutics as it's all to do with interpretation and this is something I consider not just on this course but in general life. It has always interest me and how someone viewpoint on something can be to do with how they may interpret something.

The research methods that was later discussed as a whole group was hermeneutics, thematic, analysis,  ethnography, phenomenology, quantitative and quantitative.

Amanda gave a really good example of what Thematic meant which was scanning through your primary data and  trying to pick out patterns and trends and organising it into themes. I came across the research method last module but didn't 100% understood what it truly meant. Sam mentioned if doing surveys you could use something called a 'word cloud' to look at those key terms that have come up again. Again Sam mentioned try not to pre determine the themes.

Analysis a process of questioning things, evaluating things and understanding why it happened, the significance of it. Analysis structure P- Point E- Evidence E- Explanation.

Triangulation - Trying to pull together three different types of data. The top of the triangle is 'you'(practice) and then the other two points are the primary data you have collected and the literature. Bear in mind that the three points will not always align and that isn't a bad thing but is questioning why is that the case.

In terms of my research study, nice to see I'm getting responses through on my survey... I am nervous when it comes to the point where I need to write an analysis of what I have found. 

So much information was taken in with this zoom session, but I'm sure I'll get there.


