Went into this session last week still somewhat confused about my practice but whilst listening to everyone else I decided to not think about my practice or how I would articulate my practice at this moment in time and instead I just thought about myself and the skills I have learnt from my background of dance and the skills I have developed at work. This instantly made a massive difference, it took a massive weight off my shoulders.
Areas of learning we spoke about in the session were:
Injury - shifting perceptions/expectations
Self- Pressure
Personal/Professional Ethics
Time Management / Planning / Organisation
Embracing Uncertainty
Change and Responsiveness
There was a certain point in the zoom where it really connected with me and that was when Kamille started talking about unplanned detours... instantly I could relate as a big unplanned detour for everyone was the pandemic and then I started to think about what I was doing in the pandemic and to be honest a lot of the time I was reflecting on myself and where I see myself going.
Then from Kamille's point Eleanor also could relate to unplanned detours and she mentioned about uncertainty and for me the word uncertainty has such a negative feel about it. To me I always used to look at the word with the same emotion and then realised that it's actually a beautiful thing and how its okay to not know where your life is going. Helen said 'Certainty isn't always achievement' and I totally agree and then I started to think well why do we think that having assurance is key to being successful...
From unplanned detours to uncertainty one thing I could also link in was self pressure which could also link to failure and doubtfulness.
I'm not sure where those AOLs could relate into my practice but I hopefully will be able to do some more research and link it into my practice somehow.
Going back to my last post about our first zoom session since I have tried to narrow down my practice as of right now I see my practise going down the path of ;
finding ways to develop as a dancer and a performer in the current day and age
Still don't know if this is right or if I will stick to this but I know I will eventually get there...
Portia xoxo
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